Key to Gilled Mushrooms KeyThis is a key to gilled mushrooms, that is, mushrooms having a definite cap with a fertile surface consisting of gills. The fruiting body usually also has a stem, although that may be lateral or absent (usually, then, the mushroom is growing from wood). You can use this key to identify mushrooms that you find.
Agaricales OrderFruiting body containing fibers (usually in the stalk)
White Spored SuborderSpore print "light-colored": white or buff, sometimes tinged with pink or tan. Greenish and (except for the Russulales) yellow spore prints also go here
Stalk fibrous, not fracturing like a piece of chalk
Tricholomataceae FamilyNone of the special features distinguishing the other white-spored genera:
Gills not free, as in the Lepiotas and Amanitas
Basidia not extra-long, as in the Hygrophoraceae
Spores smooth, except for Lentinellus
Terrestrial Trich SubfamilyGrowing on the ground
Woodland Normal Trich TribeFound in woods
Not rooting
Tricholoma-like Fungi SubtribeWoodland habitat (mycorrhizal)
Stem fleshy, not rooting
Tricholoma Genus (Fries) Staude
Microscropic Characters
If the diagnosis seems vague to you, you are perceptive; this is a very variable group. Luckily, we don't have to stress about identifying them much in Illinois, as all Tricholomas are mycorrhizal forest creatures, rarely found here since our forests suck. On the theory that some of you may go to Wisconsin, Michigan, or some other place with good forests, I've provided three representative species, whch may end up getting expanded into three (artificial) sections of the genus
For more detailed information on the genus Tricholoma, see the Montreal Mycological Circle's Tricholoma site.
Narrow down your identification:
Tricholoma caligatumCap with coarse scales and fibers
With an armilla; the part that sheathes the stem breaking up into patches as the stem grows
Tricholoma flavovirensCap yellow with darker center
Under pine
Often only partially emerging from the ground
Tricholoma saponaceumGrey cap
For more detailed information on the genus Tricholoma, see the Montreal Mycological Circle's Tricholoma site.